Power Projects in India And Lanco

Power Projects in India And Lanco Solar energy is a conventional form of energy that is converted from thermal power and the use of photovoltaic cells. Thermal power produces steam which in turn is used to drive turbo-generators in order to produce electricity. In photovoltaic cells a semiconductor is used in order to produce both positive as well as negative charges using energy of the sun.

India is one of the countries of the world, which has good solar energy reservoir. India has been known to receive highest amount of solar radiation in the world. Average intensity received is 200 megawatt for every kilometre square.??? India has geographical area amounting to 3.287million square kilometre, which can effectively produce 657 million mega-watt of electricity. The desert land of India 20 thousand square kilometres is available in the state of Gujarat, Rajasthan. This area is not occupied with vegetation neither is it used for other industrial purpose. By just covering 15 hundred square kilometres in this stretch of desert, it is possible to produce around 3, 00,000 MW electricity.??? The first solar power plant in India is still under progress in the region of Phalodi located in Rajasthan. This solar plant is rumoured to have cost around 4 times most coal based plants. Today it is considered as a “pioneering project of solar power” in the Indian Subcontinent. This plant is expected to produce electricity of 700-2100 GW and is planned on an area of 35,000 km2. As most parts of the country don’t have any access to electricity grids so the most popular use of solar power is for pumping the water. In order to replace the existing five million water pumps, which are being run on diesel solar power plants in India, were initiated.??? It is important to note that Indian solar program for loan has been greatly supported by the Environment Program of United Nations, which has won the energy globe award in the field of sustainability. Around 16,000 solar homes have got financed by 2,000 branches of banks especially in the southern part of India.

A sneak Peek into LancoLanco Power Projects too have worked on the commercialization of its alternative sources of energy generation like solar power and photovoltaic cells. The Lanco power projects work with an aim to make these sources of environment friendly energy accessible and affordable for the population of the Indian continent.

Lanco’s strategy of “sand to power” has been visualized as an important method with which the dream of solar energy can be realized. Among the organizations working on solar Power plants in India Lanco was first to integrate solar chain of value. Lanco power projects of solar power are one of the longest pipelines in the power projects in India. Lanco’s power projects in India are spread over 10 Indian states and they have their presence in 7 countries of the world. Lanco Power projects have been seen as instrumental in the planning of power projects in India and are contributing to the alternative sources of energy production.

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